Now is the time of the bulls!

Now is the time of the bulls!

The bulls and I – a topic about which one could probably fill entire books. At first I resisted painting bulls, but after many, many bull paintings and some really great sculptures I am now completely fascinated by the animals and also the possibilities of...
Great start to the season in Mallorca

Great start to the season in Mallorca

Even if the main season is still ahead of us, Easter in Mallorca is a “small start to the season”! It’s holidays, people want sun and sea and Mallorca offers all that and much more! This year we were also spoiled with wonderful weather, which was...
Creativity knows no breaks!

Creativity knows no breaks!

Creativity is a real gift – and as an artist you appreciate every phase in which it just bubbles up and no further inspiration is needed. I’m in that phase right now, working 24/7 on more than a dozen artworks. And when I say 24/7, I really mean it! New...
Milan – a rush for the senses!

Milan – a rush for the senses!

Traveling is relaxation and inspiration alike – and when we as a family plan our vacation, it is often into great cities that have a lot to offer for all of us. Most recently, our choice fell on Milan, a city that combines art, culture, design and enjoyment and...
Three times art on Mallorca!

Three times art on Mallorca!

Mallorca has been a magnet for the beautiful things in life for a long time – and of course art is part of that! And with us it means three times art on Mallorca, because with our beautiful galleries we offer a contact point in the most beautiful places for...