The American Dream! Three words that stand for so much. They arouse dreams, longings, motivate – and yet they also bring so much suffering, disappointment, pain and problems of all kinds with them! Many have set out to live this dream. Some made it, others failed, and many more have chased it all their lives. But is it worth it?

The American Dream – a dream worthwhile?

A great house, a fast car, a Rolex on your wrist and a diamond on your finger – these are all things that are absolutely great. They embody wealth, money, luxury and maybe power. But do we really need all of this? Frank Krüger asked himself this question and critically examined it in his new work of art “Does that mean The American Dream“. Even if these topics are present all over the world, the American path from dishwasher to millionaire is what countless people dream of.

Money can do a lot! It can make you happy, it can make you proud, it can make life easier – but it is no guarantee for all of that. On the other hand, money and the power associated with it also do a lot of damage. This can also be understood using the example of the USA. It began with the oppression of the Indians, who were driven from their land out of greed for profit. It continued with the cowboys in the Wild West and is still evident today in Wall Street, where money rules and often drives people into despair.

Money makes the world go round!

Many people came to America with dreams of wealth and a better life – and the Statue of Liberty that welcomed them symbolized just that. But is the USA still the promised land, as it is often called? Brands like Coca Cola, Harley Davidson and others represent the * American Way of Life * and want us to believe that anything is possible. With enough money, freedom, fun and happiness come into our lives.

On the other hand, we see the people who lived the dream – and who broke it! Marilyn Monroe was an icon and stood for beauty and luxury like no other. It didn’t make her happy. Other stars like Michael Jackson were * blessed * with incredible wealth – and yet could not find their happiness. Many examples can also be found in art. Keith Haring, who became famous with wonderful works of art – and at that time couldn’t buy a cure from his deadly disease for any money in the world. Even for Andy Warhol, who was selling his art prints for millions of dollars, the money couldn’t change anything when he suddenly died during a routine operation.

Is it all worth it?

If you take a look at the American Dream and really take a closer look, the question quickly arises: Is it all worth it? Is it right that our focus is only on money, while health is torpedoed with fast food, too much alcohol and sometimes drugs? Is it worth it that we put the desire for wealth above all else? And does wealth really bring happiness and freedom with it, which are actually behind the dream of the American Dream? Only everyone can answer the question for themselves – and Frank Krüger would like to encourage this with his work of art!

The three-dimensional dollar symbol shows on 140×80 cm all the symbols for the American Dream and at the same time also the downsides that it brings with it. The work of art is made of metal and has been finished with several layers of synthetic resin. With the backlight it is an absolute eye-catcher that nobody can pass by!