The PlusValia film team created the film about Frank Krüger and his works. The longings, inspirations and creativity of Frank are shown. But also, the relationship with his wife Laura and her work in the company “Galeria Frank Krüger” is addressed.

Film preparations

Before the first day of shooting could even begin, a clear concept had to be worked out. Therefore, many conversations took place between the artist and the film team. Together, Frank, Laura and the team wrote a so-called story board, which is equivalent to a real script.

A lot of ideas came up, which were then very complex to organize. For example, filming permits for underwater shots and drone flights had to be obtained.

Creation of the film

El equipo de filmación de PlusValia estuvo en el lugar durante cuatro días de rodaje con dos camarógrafos, un ingeniero de sonido y el director. The team has already worked on many German productions, so the process was very professional.

Frank and Laura had four exciting days. It was something special for both of them to see, e.g. the artwork of a bull is filmed underwater on the beach of Cala Agulla.

The result

In the end a wonderful story was created that shows the life of the artist very well. The movie is 6:04 minutes long and the insane effort may not be visible to everyone. In any case, the artist Frank Krüger is very grateful and happy about the result. When he first watched the film, he was very emotional because the film reflects his life very impressively.