Known as a bull painter, admired for his elephant and other animal paintings – Frank Krüger and the animals are closely linked in art. But Frank’s connection to animals is not only evident in the paintings. In his private life, too, nothing works without animal companionship!

Zoo keeper in the Berlin zoo

Even if Frank knew early on that his heart beats for art and that he wanted to earn his money with it, after school it was first of all into normal working life. Between the ages of 16 and 19 he worked as a zoo keeper at the Berlin Zoo, where he had the opportunity to live his second great passion: contact with animals.

During this time in the zoo, Frank went through all stations. Among other things, he worked in the monkey house, worked in the predator house – and also in the elephant house. The contact with the big pachyderms in particular shaped Frank Krüger a lot and he still describes it today as very intense. When talking about time, he thinks of countless stories and anecdotes, which he likes to tell with shining eyes. His love for these animals can be seen in every word.

Love of animals from childhood

But Frank’s love for animals was not only shown when he was working at the zoo. In his younger years he was surrounded by cats and had contact with wild rabbits that his father brought home to raise. Frank himself also helped a crow that had fallen out of its nest to regain its strength – and always found loyal and fascinating friends in the animals.

At the age of eleven he was already helping out on his aunt’s farm, helping with mucking out, milking and other work that arose. So he not only learned more about how to deal with animals, but also that caring for them is time-consuming and means work. This experience was probably the important first step that later led to the career choice of the zoo keeper!

Cats, foster horse – the family is growing!

Even today animals are an important part of Frank’s life. Together with his wife Laura, he has given five cats a home and is currently looking after a young foster horse. The 1.5 year old Andalusian mare gives them both a lot of joy and intensifies their contact with animals and nature. And when you go to the couch in the evening after a long day, you can of course share it with the cats!

For Frank animals are simply part of life and respecting them is particularly important to him. He not only lives this, but also passes it on to his daughter. And so it is not unusual for the Krüger family that, for example, beetles are rescued from the pool and insects are repeatedly led into freedom. Only mosquitoes, Frank doesn’t like them! But he’s certainly not alone in that.