Do you have idols? Frank has quite a few people who inspire him and who have inspired him to a certain extent in certain phases of life. Many people feel the same way as Frank and the same names are always mentioned when the question of idols comes up. Frank has re-staged his own idols and those of other people with very special works of art!

What are idols?

Whether artists, politicians, entertainers or maybe people from the immediate environment and family: we all often talk about idols. But what does this term idols actually mean? In general, we are talking about people who are role models for us, whom we admire. What we admire them for is entirely individual. Maybe we find it incredible what they have achieved, what they are committed to or how they simply master life with all its ups and downs. There are many ways to admire someone for something.

Frank, for example, has had the opportunity to see the Rolling Stones live three times and, as a big fan, to be very close to his idol Keith Richards right in front of the stage. But of course there are also role models for Frank in art and artists like Salvador Dalí inspire him a lot. For others, of course, other role models are also important. Marilyn Monroe, for example, is often mentioned when the question of idols arises. But no matter who you admire for what – what matters is what you make of it. Of course, Frank also likes to use these inspirations again to create new works of art and sets a monument to the idols with a special technique!

Cut with water!

The fact that Frank uses aluminum for his artwork is nothing new to his fans. However, the way the aluminum is used and, above all, processed here is very unusual. The work of art consists of two layers, so to speak: the first layer, which is painted black and forms the background, so to speak, and the second layer, in which the actual motif is cut out of the aluminum and is therefore exceptionally visible! It is cut with a water jet and in connection with the background the motif is then visible and provides many wow effects!

The second layer can be imagined as similar to slats, the recesses of which allow a view of the paint underneath and thus form the motif. Depending on the angle from which you look, the work of art changes a little bit and inspires its viewers again and again with this effect. In the galleries, everyone just stands in front of it and looks at it closely – and it is no different in the customer’s home, office or shop, where it then finds its final place!