For an artist, inspiration is the heart of art. Without good ideas no extraordinary artwork can be created. For Frank Krüger, for example, driving his Harley is very inspiring. In this way he comes up with great ideas for new artworks.

Inspiration while riding a Harley

For Frank, riding his Harley is a form of freedom. The wind is blowing around his nose. The sound of the engine thrills him. He can “dream away” and chug along. It’s a feeling of freedom and detachment.

During the ride the best ideas come “flying” along. When this happens, Frank usually pulls over and writes down the idea. He always has his pen and paper with him and so no thought is lost. Even if Frank already has an idea, he uses a motorcycle ride to deepen it.

Motorcycle ride with further advantages

On a Harley tour, across the island of Mallorca, the artist can also best relieve problems and stress. The problems are shaken off, so to speak, because Frank is really shaken by the V-engine of the Harley. This way he can relax, unwind and recharge his batteries. Riding a Harley is therefore a balance and pure relaxation for Frank.

Another advantage of such a ride is that Frank can enjoy the beautiful landscape. This is of course also an inspiration. So far, he has “driven” over 70,000 km in Mallorca alone. He knows the special corners and also drives the less frequented routes. He has already driven through the smallest paths and has explored a lot. So, Frank really knows his way around the island!