“If you love something, then let it go, unless it’s a tiger” – this quote comes from the Netflix series “Modern Family” and was pronounced there by the series character Phil Dunphy. While this character isn’t exactly known for making very profound statements, we’d like to at least agree a little on him in this case. Tigers are far too beautiful creatures to live without them. That’s why everyone should have a beautiful tiger artwork on their wall!

Animals with strong characters

Tigers are probably one of those animals that seem fascinating to almost everyone. They symbolize strength, willpower and courage – and yet have the grace and patience of a cat when they go hunting. Their beautifully drawn fur and their piercing look make them absolute beauties that you could watch for hours without getting bored.

By the way, this year the tiger has a very special meaning, because in the Chinese horoscope we have the year of the tiger! The year in the Chinese horoscope begins on February 1st, 2022 and the tiger is one of twelve signs of the zodiac in Chinese astrology. According to the horoscope, 2022 promises to be an auspicious, exciting and eventful year. Associated with this are characteristics such as courage, assertiveness, self-confidence and adventure. All traits that are also associated with the tiger.

The fascination of tigers

Frank also succumbed to the fascination of tigers and chose them as a motif for some works of art. Tiger Aman or Anik, for example, are great examples of this! Both were originally made with oil on copper leaf and are available as art prints in the online shop in various sizes and designs. But also Tiger Asura, who appears rather aggressive here, is a motif that you simply cannot turn away from.

With all the words about the great animals, we should also take a look at how these animals are doing in our world. In 2009 only 3200 free-living tigers were counted worldwide – as a result, representatives of the countries in which tigers occur committed themselves to protecting the animals and at least doubling their numbers. The number of tigers living in the wild has recovered in recent years – but the animals still need our protection!