There are not many Frank Krüger videos yet. Although the artist often shows small clips of his works of art on his Facebook page and can be seen live there on the Frank Krüger weekly show, there are fewer videos of him to be seen. On this page you will find a compilation of the Frank Krüger videos!
In addition to interviews, such as B. for TV Berlin there is also a tour of the gallery in Palma, which you can see here in full. Take a look at the Frank Krüger videos and come back every now and then – over time we will put new videos online that show you more about the artist and his galleries as well as his art!

Exclusive Insights
Moments like reflexes. Nothing remains as it is. Everything is in motion.
TV Berlin, 10th of December 2016
Interview with Frank Krüger in Berlin, Germany
Walking through Galeria Palma
Walking through the Galeria in Palma