It cannot be overlooked: the artist Frank Krüger loves his work and is completely absorbed in it. But not only the artistic aspect gives Frank a lot of joy, but also the connection with the people he gets to know through art makes his work so special for him!
A normal working day?
It’s Tuesday, market day in the beautiful town of Artà, and things are really turbulent. Lots of vacationers and residents are out and about, let themselves be attracted by the fresh food and the colorful stalls and stroll through the pedestrian zone. Just a few meters away from the hustle and bustle, Frank and Laura Krüger are standing in their great gallery and are once again speechless. Surrounded by the works of art, they hold the finest Lübeck marzipan in their hands and look into the smiling faces of their customers and long-time “fans” who brought them these delicacies as gifts.
The same day, a few hours later: Frank, fascinated, sits in front of his mobile phone and looks almost wistfully at the display. A live stream is running there from another customer, with whom Frank connects not only art but also a love of the city of New York. They have often talked and dreamed about the city together in Cala Ratjada. Now he’s in New York, standing on “The Edge” and holding a small island sculpture by Frank in his hands, which he took with him on the trip! A great moment for Frank and Laura, the joy is indescribable!
Connections that bring joy
Of course, not every day is like this – Frank often disappears into his studio for several days and works on his works of art. But after a few days at the latest, he seeks contact with the outside world again, for exchange. This happens through personal exchange in the galleries, but also often simply online! The active community on Facebook and Instagram is a lot of fun for Frank and Laura! As soon as a post is published on their channels, the first comments or private messages appear after just a few minutes. And when the two go live and take their community with them into their everyday lives, there are dozens of viewers in no time at all – sometimes even well over 100 at the same time!
But the artist and his wife are also in constant contact with their customers and the community by e-mail and telephone or WhatsApp! Again and again they receive photos of where the works of art have found their new home and often also stories about the art and the experiences that have arisen from it. Thus, the contact does not simply end with the sale, but often a long-lasting exchange or friendly relationships develop. These moments, which Frank and Laura are allowed to experience through their customers, make their work so special for them and they make sure every day that they implement their ideas with joy!