Frank Krüger exhibits oil paintings of 11 prominent German winter sportspeople in the Champions Club of Turin. Among them are Claudia Pechstein, Uschi Disl and Georg Hettich. During the Winter Games, the athletes will sign their portraits. The artworks will be auctioned later on.

The auction will be conducted by Frank himself. The business and sports celebrities have announced their participation and will be represented in large numbers.

Addition to the Event:

A total of over 32,000 Euros has been achieved. An enormous sum, which underlines the success of the auction particularly. The record was achieved by the portrait of speed skater Claudia Pechstein with 11,751 Euro.

It is remarkable that Frank made the artworks available free of charge and that the proceeds were donated by him. The German young talents in disabled sports were happy about the donation. A great action!